HOME > ELK をめぐる冒険 > カニグズバーグ新刊 "The Mysterious Edge of the Heroic World"
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"The Mysterious Edge of the Heroic World"
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カニグズバーグ 新作情報!.
E.L. カニグズバーグの書き下ろし長編が、今秋 9月に刊行になります。そのタイトルは、
"The Mysterious Edge of the Heroic World"。
英雄の世界のミステリアスなエッジ. . . エッジは、刃? それとも、縁(ふち)、端っこといった意味でしょうか?
──E.L. カニグズバーグが綴る、アート、発見、友情、歴史、そして、真実の物語。
書籍紹介によれば: * 注1
──その絵に秘められた、哀しい物語とは. . . ?
. . 。ついに、満を持して、という感じがします。人物設定などを見ても、彼女の集大成的な作品になることは間違いなさそうで、ほんとうに楽しみです。
先月末から、Amazon.jpでも、予約受付が始まりました。→ "The Mysterious Edge・・・(原書)"
また、アメリカでは今年、『クローディアの秘密』─"From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler" の40周年記念版が出版されるとのこと。
. . 。なんだか、とても感慨深く感じます。
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"The Mysterious Edge of the Heroic World" の紹介文は以下のとおり。
"ninety percent of who you are is invisible."
Amedeo Kaplan seems just like any other new kid who has moved into the
town of St. Malo, Florida, a navy town where new faces are the norm. But
Amedeo has a secret, a dream: More than anything in the world, he wants
to discover something--a place, a process, even a fossil--some treasure
that no one realizes is there until he finds it. And he would also like
to discover a true friend to share these things with.
William Wilcox seems like an unlikely candidate for friendship: an aloof
boy who is all edges and who owns silence the way other people own words.
When Amedeo and William find themselves working together on a house sale
for Amedeo's eccentric neighbor, Mrs. Zender, Amedeo has an inkling that
both his wishes may come true. For Mrs. Zender's mansion is crammed with
memorabilia of her long life, and there is a story to go with every piece.
Soon the boys find themselves caught up in one particular story--a story
that links a sketch, a young boy's life, an old man's reminiscence, and
a painful secret dating back to the outrages of Nazi Germany. It's a story
that will take them to the edge of what they know about heroism and the
mystery of the human heart.
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HOME > ELK をめぐる冒険 > カニグズバーグ新刊 "The Mysterious Edge of the Heroic World"