(In Japanese)

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Featured page : A Letter to E.L. Konigsburg

Yummy's Toy Box

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 *Special Thanks

Hi!  My name is Yumi.
I am a Japanese, and a one-year survivor of breast cancer.
I've just started my small web site for cancer survivors in Japanese. I hope to have links to information areas on cancer and some groups that were helpful to me in dealing with my illness. I don't think that my English is good enough to build my site in English, but still I will try my best to open my attic.
To begin with, I thought it would be useful for someone who has just received the news that she or he has cancer. Also, if you are living in Japan and are unfamiliar with the Japanese language and customs, I could help you in a way.
Please feel free to mail me if you have any trouble and think I could be of help to you.

Mail your concerns to:



I want to thank my Bosom Buddies (co-survivors) overseas. We really help one another by e-mail.  Whenever I'm disheartened, I think of my dear comrades in the distance.  Being distant is sometimes wonderful. To imagine someone across the sea who shares my feelings is very soothing to me. So, I want to be a tiny "someone" to you in this cyberspace.
Struggling against a dreadful disease, I've learned a lot of things. One's fighting often cheers someone else up.  And, I believe that most smiles are started by another smile. So, I'd love to share my thoughts and smile with you.
If you are sick or you are in sorrow, wherever you live, I am sending you love and hugs from this small island in Asia.  
Well, indeed, it is by no means easy to make myself understood in English. But, at the very least, I would love for you to understand that "You are not alone."

* Why is it Yummy's Attic?
One of my Bosom Buddies, Vicki, started to call me Yummy, as her spell checker program tried to match up my name Yumi with "Yummy"! The pronunciation is kind of similar. Yummy is too cute for me, I guess, but I love my godmother so much. In honor of her, I will cherish this nickname forever.
When I was a child, I liked to read. I loved especially "Anne of Green Gables" and read it over and over. Without fail, all of my favorite heroines in children's stories were living in an attic or an orphanage. Though this little girl always dreamed of living in an orphanage, or at least, in an attic, she lived in a one-story house with her beloved parents and younger brother.
My homepage (in Japan, a website is called "homepage") is so small that it shouldn't be called a home even in Japanese. Do you think I am humble or modest? No way! I can possess my own attic at last, and I won't ever make my site so big that it would outgrow my attic. Doesn't it sound as if there might be a lot of old junk, knick-knacks, or rather, treasures, for the young-at-heart in it? As if ghosts or fairies might live here?
Anyway, the word "attic" sounds so "yummy" to me. 
Let's have a small adventure together!  

Featured page : A Letter to E.L. Konigsburg

Yummy's Toy Box

Pictures & Music

My Favorite Websites
Alternative Universe
Wired for Books
Musicians United to Win without War

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Support Breast Cancer Awareness
