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Detailed map around Matubarabashi@Bridge

Information to Kiryu
1:The traffic-free cycling path is interrupted at this point.

Disreard the continuation of cycling path on to the right in the photograph.

Keep going straight.

1:Keep going along the road as directied by the arrow.
2:You will see a red torii on your right. Make left turn at the crossing.
3:Kiryu City starts at Sakaibashi Bridge.
4:Kiryu City starts at Sakaibashi Bridge.

Make left turn immediately after crossing Sakaibashi Bridge.

Watch a wooden sign post to confirm the direction.

However, the signboard of finance company@MARUFUKU stands out.

4:You will see a sluice hut on your left.
5:You will come to the crossing with the road to the Green Cup Golf Club.

Slow down sufficiently to avoid collision with motor vehicles.

6:Take the way to Kiryu City, and you will be back on the traffic-free cycling path.
7:Take the right path which goes through under Matsubarabashi Bridge.

If you take the left path, you will come to a roadway which you are not allowed to cross.