Kamakura Qin Society, The world of guqin which bunjin loved most.

Qin Performance

Kameda, Bosai. "Kyou-Chu-San" Dan-qin Ji-teki.

œœCai-Zhen-You (Playing adopt the truth)œœ

Tian-feng Huan-pei (Jade Pendants in a Heavenly Breeze)

Song-yu bei-qiu (Song-yu feels sorry for autumn)

Tao-yuan yin (Arcadia singing)

Zhao-jun yin (Song of Wang-Zhao-jun)

Yu-Qiao-Wen-Da (Conversation Between The Fisherman and The Woodcutter)

Ping-sha-luo-yan (Wild Geese Descending on the Sandbank)

Ou-Lu-Wang-Ji (Innocent Seagulls)

Huo-Lin (Capture of the Unicorn)

Chu-Ge (Song of Chu)

Kamakura Qin Society, Contents (Japanese)

E-mail fushimi@rose.zero.ad.jp